1) FTP's Don't Stop video is out (fi-fucking-nally!)
Hilarious video. I laughed so hard upon the first viewing. I laughed even harder upon second viewing.
And that's how my ovaries reacted when I saw that video because of its extremely high dosage of ridonkulousness. And purtyness.
2) I dreamed a chicken was on my face. And it pooped on me.
A very self-explanatory title that requires no description.
3) Last episode of Merlin Season 3 is finally here!
I can't wait to watch Prince Arthur get all broken and Merlin, like any other loving wifemanservant will help him restore his faith and aid in shaping his destiny.
Off topic :
Why are bromances so much more fun to watch? Sisterhood is so meh. I love bromances so darn much. I guess, it's because you get to see men at their weakest and fellow dudes will back him up when the female species can't empathise. Bromances are beautiful because a fellow dude just needs to be there to show support and they just..get it while sisterhood is all like, 'The bitch is going dowwnnnn! We are gonna make her regret for being born as a female."
Come to think about it, how are these even considered important? I should really set my priorities straight. Just seven more days until I can prioritise whatever shit I want whooo!
Ooh the bromance issue. I think it's so interesting that girls/women seem so attached to male friendships/male relationship dynamics (which I think is also related to our interest in slash pairings or slash fiction - it's not just coincidence that SO MUCH, if not ALL, male slash fiction is written by straight women. Interesting, no?).
And I do hate to generalize, but I think women tend to be more judgmental of other women, especially in terms of physical appearance, or behaviour (notice how if a girl is flirty or extra-friendly to men the first thing is always "ugh she's so shameless/loose/slutty"). And there DOES tend to be more emotional politics and talking-behind-backs and stuff. Maybe the other woman is prettier, or more successful, or has more things, or gets more male attention.
Women gossip and backstab and create all kinds of drama you generally don't see men getting up to with their friends - maybe the appeal of the bromance is simply that ; we want our sisterhoods to be everything a bromance is.
I think there's also an element of social pressure or social expectation for women to constantly compete with each other in a world dominated by men - I think girls and women are in general still so insecure about ourselves, and we have so much to prove and such a long way to progress in terms of "equality" and stuff, that we take it out on each other.
We're seeing each other as the enemy, in EVERYTHING - school, work, social groups. Just turn on any reality show (The Bachelor, America's Next Top Model, etc) and what you're going to see is groups of women tearing each other apart in their crazy, bitchy race to gain something. And what is so wrong and so sad is that the world has somehow just ACCEPTED the notion that all women are catty and snide and emotionally manipulative, that all women hate each other, that all women will bring each other down to come out
But then again, I think sisterhood gets such a bad rap because of generalizations and stereotypes like this - most of my friends throughout life have been female and I am both proud and glad to say that I know girls and women who are smart, mature, loving and decent enough to never let our relationships slide into petty jealousies or cat fights. They never bring me down, never call me "bitch", are never direspectful of me, are never jealous or bitter about my personal achievements, etc. My girlfriends - you included - are living proof that the female equivalent of bromance (womance? girlmance?) is very possible, very real, and very beautiful :)
O MY PROPHETIC SOUL. Why do you always do that, woman!
I haven't overanalysed it like you have but I'm going to start now.
I think women will find any reason to hate each other because they feel weak and insecure. Like what you've said, perhaps females do this without even realising that they're being judgemental because of how male dominance had creeped into our society. Although male dominance is not that obvious like last time but there are still little traces of it now. For example, the glass ceiling. Women have to compete amongst themselves and thus, creating this 'sisterhood' that we all know about.
I think it's a little sad because women can be such a strong force if they see fellow women as their friend instead of forever competing with each other.
Yet, not all bromances are amazing. I think men are also insecure about themselves. Who has the more expensive car, the hotter wife, more money, happier life, etc. WHY CAN'T THE WORLD JUST BE A HAPPY PLACE GAHH.
But I personally prefer to talk to dudes because they'll listen without judging or interrupting. They won't even offer advices unless you ask them for one. They just listen and I think that's why bromances are beautiful. They don't try to tell you what to do to make everything better. I mean, they know that you just need someone to listen to you rant and then you'll be okay enough to solve your own problems. I have more dude friends than female friends actually. But I'm not saying that all females love shoving advices down each other's throats. Some friends (you included) are almost on par with the dudes and that's what makes you guys even more amazing. I don't think what we have should be called sisterhood because it's much closer to bromance. Womance is what we have, yeah.
BROMANCE JYEAAHH. I love watching bromances on TV. :') MEN ARE SO FRAGILE IN FRONT OF FELLOW MEN. Oh, you guyssss. *hugs*
But see, that's interesting too ; not all men get along fantastically with each other. Like you say, there are jealousies and competitions among them as well (bigger car, more expensive gadget, bigger penis -WHAT). But the thing is, when men do it, it isn't called bitchy, snide, or manipulative. When men do it, there's no general opinion of "Oh all dudes hate each other" or "How typical of men to tear each other apart". I may be wrong here, but somehow when men show that kind of aggressiveness and desire to bring another man down, it's seen as almost positive. Sure, he might get called an asshole or a dickhead but somehow it's more ACCEPTABLE than when a woman does it. When it's a woman, the impression is that it's a petty, ugly cat fight with hair-pulling and nails tearing off. When men do the same, it's masculine. It's macho. It's alpha male. It's the same reason why a tough, aggressive woman who knows what she wants and isn't afraid to say it is called a bitch, and a man with exactly the same character is called "a strong personality" or A REAL MAN.
And I do think there's something quite special - in popular culture bromance, anyway, about seeing guys being so vulnerable with each other. It's ...fuzzy. I love it.
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