Friday, November 8, 2013


One amazing week with Chris and then, he had to leave so abruptly. I can't say I'm frustrated or just sad because it wasn't his decision to leave. He had to leave.

Why can't I be a little more selfish? After all, I earned this mid sem break after weeks of hectic schedule. I deserve to wind down with him – the physical him since long distance relationships limits many aspects of a relationship. It doesn't help when he's so frustrated with matters at home and I can't do much to ease it for him.

"Don't be silly. You're there for me," he says. I wish I could do more than just being there for you, Chris.

1 comment:

Lady Disdain said...

You SHOULD be more selfish, and you CAN be more selfish. Our feelings are genuine, right, and they deserve to be felt.

And especially as this is your space, you should get to be as selfish as you want.

I hope you get to see him soon, and that you're able to find things that make you feel better.