30 Shameless Posts On Shameless Things

This is a meme. A shameless meme. I don't think I have any problems finishing this meme in a day but let's spread it out so that you won't find me too shameless to be associated with me.

  1. Declare your love for an uncool TV show.
  2. Look a fool.
  3. Eat. Whatever you feel like eating.
  4. Waste time.
  5. Declare your love for an uncool movie.
  6. Act 'girly' or 'manly' in a way you’d normally avoid.
  7. Share your efforts at something you don’t think you do well.
  8. Sweat.
  9. Expose something messy or dirty you’d usually hide.
  10. Declare your love for an uncool band.
  11. Dress to show some skin.
  12. Share about a health struggle.
  13. Speak up about something crap that was done to you.
  14. Hold yourself accountable — not guilty — for something crappy you did to someone else.
  15. Dress, walk, and act like you know you’re all that.
  16. Spend money on a non-necessity or share a financial struggle.
  17. Discuss the reality of your work situation.
  18. Brag.
  19. Share details about a bodily function or fluid.
  20. Talk about sex.
  21. Express a strong feeling.
  22. Set a boundary.
  23. Air one of your secrets.
  24. Share a struggle you have yet to “just get over.”
  25. Ask for help.
  26. Make a mistake.
  27. Express a dissenting opinion.
  28. Discuss a failure.
  29. Look a fool.
  30. Name 3 more ways you can live shamelessly and commit to doing them.

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