Friday, December 30, 2011


Love the snow in Youtube. Makes every video (especially this one) all fuzzy and warm. 

Snow snow snow!

Thursday, December 29, 2011


It's nice to feel belonged, whether you can see the physical shape of the members of a group such as a school band or friends or an Internet community where you can only feel their presence.

I found this in a John Green novel I borrowed from the Sunway University library. Opening the book with this falling out and floating onto my floor makes the whole experience of being a nerdfighter a little more amazing. This gives me a little more hope for the Internet community. The nerdfighter who left this note in the book didn't know the person who will stumble on this note but yet, she (based on her beautiful handwriting I can never achieve) leaves it anyway, hoping to make a fellow nerdfighter's day.

I guess that is what makes an Internet community a little more special. It transcends everything physical; the places we live in, the schools we go to, the food we eat, the Gods we pray to, the clothes we wear, etc. Identity and social status means nothing. All that matters is we share interest in the same things and in this case, we watch Vlogbrothers on Youtube and have the same passion for books, music, philosophy, etc. with John and Hank and are always there for each other, regardless of what or who you are.

Nerdfighteria, to me, felt too surreal to actually exist because this is the same group of people who actually created a well filed with clean water for the people in Haiti. Nerdfighteria helps small entrepreneurs in different continents and countries to expand or simply start a business to sustain theirselves by leading them money through Nerdfighters come together for a sole purpose of decreasing worldsuck and change lives.

I'm gonna keep this because it is a very special note and I feel as if this was intended to be for me. I'll leave a note for the next nerdfighter and make him or her feel the same way I felt when I saw this note. 

"Although the population of Nerdfighteria is scattered internationally, the citizens have united numerous times to decrease worldsuck through super secret projects, other charitable events, scavenger hunts, video montages, happy dancing, and gatherings."
Urban Dictionary  

Nerdfighteria is a Utopian community that consist of beautiful people and they really are made of awesome.

DFTBA, guys.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011


I love the moustache from my previous post. It makes me look so sexy and irresistible. *smirks* The moustache and I will be taking a walk together under the sun soon, I hope. Would love to see the expressions of random strangers when they see a black patch of fur on my face.

It's been a while since I discussed anything from the Shameless Meme. So, here it is. 

Expose something messy or dirty you’d usually hide.

Well, this is pretty easy because I rarely hide the nitty gritty details if you are brave enough to ask me. Since you asked about it, meme, I shall graciously provide you with the information you desire.

One. I don't wash the clothes I've worn until I've worn it about 4-5 times. That is, if they're not perfumed with my sweat or decorated with streaks of mud or food stains. If I've gone to the mall with friends, the clothes I've worn will not end up in the washing machine but on my chair (because I'm such a lazy ass to fold it or hang it up in my cupboard). This is not as disgusting as it looks because if it still smells like your floral detergent and it has no dirt on it, why wash it? I mean, it would be like washing your blanket everyday because you've used it the night before, which none of us actually do right? What, you do? You weirdo. You should really check your hea- washing machine. It's probably exhausted from washing all the clothes and washable fabrics that don't need washing because you're sucha clean freak. 

Two. Note that I did this during my STPM exam period which lasted for about a month. I don't do this anymore (or do I..? *evil laugh*). I didn't take baths on a daily basis. Okay okay. You may shun me now but whatever. So I didn't take baths everyday okay? Big fucking deal. I took baths 2-3 days once because I needed to study the fuck out of my soul. So I didn't wanna waste twenty minutes of my precious time plus, five extra minutes to dry and comb my long hair (because you gotta have extra TLC when it comes to long hair). So, I just didn't bathe. And even if I did take a bath, I don't wash my hair. Usually on the third day, my hair would be super greasy (you can actually see my hair shine and shit) and I can feel the grease whenever I touch my hair. That's the bell for me to wash my hair. Gosh, the thought of greasy hair reminds me of those awful days. 

Three. The Five-Second Rule. This is some legit shit right here. It has its own Wikipedia page, okay? That is gonna be my answer to everyone who gave me the stink-eye when I eat food that had contact with the floor.

People : Ewww, dude. It's dirty. Don't touch it.
Sue Fyenn : Five-second rule, hello? Go read it up. Wikipedia has an article about it. *picks up food and munches on it* 

So yeah. I do this almost all the time. Of course I don't pick up food off the toilet floor. My food would be soggy, duh. But if the surface is dry and looks clean, then the five-second rule applies. Because I care for the poor and would not like them to be rummaging in my trash for food. That would give them a tummy ache. And that would be bad.

I am a shameless person who publicizes everything on the Internet, including her dirty habits. Damn, I'm good.

Monday, December 26, 2011


I may be a day late but it's the thought that counts, right?

Merry Christmas.
I'm a male reindeer, if you were wondering. 

Friday, December 23, 2011


I went upstairs to grab my phone but I ended up coming out from my room with a mirror.

So this is where the real reason I'm blogging starts. I have been wanting to go to every shopping mall possible to judge their Christmas decorations. This quest of mine has been silently bugging me since I was sixteen and I can finally say I've done it. So, yay to crossing out 'see every mall's Christmas decorations and decide which is the best' out of my To-do list.

Onwards with the pictures then!

I first started this quest of mine right after my exams. My first shopping mall was AEON Bukit Tinggi. Well, it wasn't that awesome (I expected that) but it wasn't that crappy either (I expected that too). There were branches without leaves with lights hanging on it. What peculiar looking branches they were.
It didn't look thaat bad. Oh, wait. They reused a huge bunny that was seen during Chinese New Year for Christmas. Kudos, AEON Bukit Tinggi for your lack of creativity.

Next, I brought along a friend who was willing to walk around Kuala Lumpur just to look at Christmas decorations with me on Wednesday. We had fun right, Leticia? Right? Oh, don't you roll your eyes at me now! Fun fun fun!

When we got off the monorail at Bukit Bintang, we entered Sungei Wang Plaza. No pictures because it was horrible. The decorations were poor (the Christmas trees looked pathetic) and the entire plaza is so messed up that we couldn't find a door to get us out of there. Shame on you, Sungei Wang Plaza for not having the Christmas spirit. I shun youuu!

We entered Lot 10 but nothing much too. I guess, it's because we couldn't find the main area where a whole Christmas park would be built (maybe it doesn't exist). But it wasn't as bad as Sg. Wang Plaza. At least they were playing Christmas songs and the Christmas trees looked grand.

Next, Fahrenheit 88. Okay, they were pretty good. They had reindeers and a sleigh near the entrance. Leticia and I wanted to jump into the sleigh and take pictures and sing Christmas carols but one creepy looking guard was creeping on us. So, meh. But their gazebo looked mighty nice. There was an eyeless bunny there (what's with bunnies this year?) and Christmas trees surrounding the gazebo. And there were Christmas songs blasting in their speakers so, yay!

Pavilion KL. I LOVE PAVILION KL. One because their Christmas decorations are fucking boss. I remember visiting Pavilion KL back in 2005 or 2006 and their theme was White Christmas. The entire shopping mall was white and crystally and amazing. Huge white Christmas trees were everywhere and fake snow was strewn on the ground. Their decorations are fucking class, I tell you. It's like you've entered into a whole new magical world. This year is no different. I love shopping malls who invest their money in decorations. It makes people like me so happy.

Two because there was a United Buddy Bears exhibition outside Pavilion KL. There were easily 120 bear statues outside Pavilion KL and it looked so damn beautiful. I love it when there are exhibitions like these in Malaysia because the only other time you can see exhibitions like these are through your computer screens.

Each bear represents a country in the United Nations. 
United States Of America
Next mall : Mid Valley. I always have high expectations for Mid Valley because their decorations are always one of the best I've ever seen. This year though, not so good. It looked pretty boring. I think they were trying to achieve an Alice-In-Wonderland kind of Christmas themed decoration but kinda missed it.

Finally, Sunway Pyramid. I like it. There were fake (obviously) moose hanging around and sleighs for everyone to sit on.

After all that walking and hunting for good decorations, we end up being stranded at the train station for almost an hour. Leticia and I were too tired to be fighting with other women for feet space. Women can be so violent sometimes, when it comes to getting their way. They were pushing and slamming everyone against the walls and doors just to enter the train. It was pretty hilarious to be watching them shouting and cursing in their mother tongue (I don't know what they were saying but it sounded pretty mean) while we were sitting at the chairs. Leticia played Foster The People's Pumped Up Kicks on her phone and I started singing while waiting for the train.

Ahh, I love doing this.

Merry Christmas, y'all. :)

Tuesday, December 20, 2011


So, what now? I'm done with my exams and I do not wish to contribute my services to the nation by working. Not yet anyway. After-exam life has been pretty good so far. Camps, catching up with friends, random outings, a guy whom I am really interested in getting to know better (he's real, not some celebrity or musician that I fantasize about), late night snacking and video watching, and just chilling out. People asked me whether I have decided on anything to occupy my nine months break (see: working) but honestly, I have nothing planned out yet. I just want to do the things I've been dying to do for a very long time. Like, learning to swim. I never took it up because I never had the courage and time to do it. I can't swim for nuts and I think I should get prepared for The End in case we all die due to massive tsunamis. At least I will have a small chance of surviving instead of what I have now. Nil.

I've noticed how I am a little more reserved to myself when it's almost the end of the year. I simply wrap myself in a blanket and spend an entire day, just reading and listening to music. I disconnect myself from the outside world by not going on the Internet and sometimes, just switching off my phone. I choose the friends I want to go out with. Just now, I played on the swing alone in the playground while it was drizzling. I don't know why but I guess, December is the month for myself. I become a little more quiet and a little more emo, as people would put it. I would feel really bad for declining meet-ups or hangouts if it was any other month but right now, I don't feel guilty for rejecting friends because I just need to take a break from everything after a year of constantly moving forward.

I'm getting tired and the weather's getting colder. I'm going to retire to my cave now.

Friday, December 9, 2011


Events that took place and needs to be blogged about because it is extremely important (like super fucking duper important) :

1) FTP's Don't Stop video is out (fi-fucking-nally!)
Hilarious video. I laughed so hard upon the first viewing. I laughed even harder upon second viewing.
And that's how my ovaries reacted when I saw that video because of its extremely high dosage of ridonkulousness. And purtyness.

2) I dreamed a chicken was on my face. And it pooped on me.
A very self-explanatory title that requires no description.

3) Last episode of Merlin Season 3 is finally here!
I can't wait to watch Prince Arthur get all broken and Merlin, like any other loving wifemanservant will help him restore his faith and aid in shaping his destiny.

Off topic :
Why are bromances so much more fun to watch? Sisterhood is so meh. I love bromances so darn much. I guess, it's because you get to see men at their weakest and fellow dudes will back him up when the female species can't empathise. Bromances are beautiful because a fellow dude just needs to be there to show support and they just..get it while sisterhood is all like, 'The bitch is going dowwnnnn! We are gonna make her regret for being born as a female."

Come to think about it, how are these even considered important? I should really set my priorities straight. Just seven more days until I can prioritise whatever shit I want whooo!

Saturday, December 3, 2011


There are so many moustaches this week. Aaaaahhh.
"Hey there, ladies. I'm Hank Green. I have a moustache."

I'm so happy! :D


Oh, look who decided to pop out of no where.

Hello, pimple that has chosen a very strategic place for its presence to be known; that is on the tip of my nose. You're making me look like that reindeer that is always teased by the other cooler reindeers. But no, I shall look up with pride! You will not bring me down. People might laugh and poke fun at me with you around but no more! And besides, just in time for Christmas, eh? I don't need to look for red noses to disguise myself as a reindeer this year.


I've always thought of myself to be an impulsive person. No, I'm not flattering myself since impulsiveness is not really a trait you should be proud. But you should be. Proud, I mean. Not impulsive., you should be proud that you're impulsive if you are impulsive. If you're not, then you should be. Impulsive, I mean.

Oh, gosh. I'm flattering myself now.

There is a very fine line between impulsiveness and spontaneity. I like to believe that I'm a little bit of both; like how I'm on that fine line and I can take a step to both sides anytime I want. Because I'm a brat like that. I don't get why people tend to view impulsiveness as a negative thing. Actually, I don't know what is that one factor that distinguishes between those two. People say being spontaneous is good while impulsive is all 'you have problems, dude'. But if you look up the definition, they're actually pretty much the same thing.

Gahh, I don't know where I'm going with this. I'll continue this post with sponpulsive because I can't decide if I'm impulsive or spontaneous now. I thought I was impulsive, then spontaneous. So, I'll be both. Tadaa.

I like buying CDs without much thought of the price. If I like a certain dress or bagpack, I will buy it. Because there's always a nagging thought that if I go there the next time to buy that CD/dress/bag/whatever, it will not be there anymore. Okay, you might be going, 'Ooh, this is impulsive'. Whatever. But, I remember that one time when I saw a CD and considered the price and then, decided not to buy it. On the way home, I felt like shit. It was such an uncomfortable ride home that I couldn't sit still because of that nagging thought haunting my mind. And yes, it ended up not being there the next time I visited. From that day, I told myself that if I see anything I like or want, I'll get it. No matter what the cost (of course I'm talking about a reasonable purchase. Because I won't go into Louis Vuitton and stomp my feet and say I want that RM5980239870 bag) is. Because to be feeling crappy and having mental battles is no fun. I've been there and I hate it.

But the thing is that despite people calling this as impulsive shopping, it's not. I like to believe that it's sponpulsive shopping. Yes, it is probably an impulsive purchase but I don't regret buying it later. I don't go telling myself what an idiot I was to buy a toy camera (which I did) that needs actual rolls of film because it felt right at that moment. Instead, I feel happy and good about it. Like how you would feel after doing something spontaneous with friends. For example, poking a stranger and running away. What I'm trying to say is that it's basically impulsive behaviour with spontaneous aftereffects. Sponpulsive!

However, I'm a little worried about how far I can go on with this. Sponpulsive shopping is one thing. What if I've done something permanent out of sponpulsiveness but regretting it later? I would totally cry a fucking river kay? Because that miserable feeling with forever be with me. Because I've done something permanent out of sponpulsiveness. Gah, why am I rephrasing whatever I've just said?

But yeah, I'm planning to do something permanent. But so many doubts in my head. Oh, wait. Is this premeditated sponpulsiveness? Because I've been considering and planning before going all sponpulsive? Premeditated sponpulsiveness. What a fucking oxymoron.

Why am I badgering myself with these concerns that have no benefits to me at the moment? I need to study. Gaaaahhh.

Thursday, December 1, 2011


R.I.P., moustaches that has made a comfortable home on the upper lips of Foster The People. Can we all have a moment of silence here in honour of these glorious looking moutaches that has been with the boys for a month? Moustaches, you have brought happiness to the boys and joy to the FTP fandom. It has been a wonderful journey, moutaches but it's December now. I will remember those memories when you made me laugh my ass off whenever I see the boys' smiles with you residing happily on their faces. But, the time has finally come for us to part ways.

Guys, you have fostered those moustaches well. You should be proud of yourselves.

I have a sad now. Be right back while I mourn over the loss of these magnificent moustaches with tears trailing along my face, making my fake moustache damp and soggy.


//Breaking News

Pontius has decided to keep his mo' until after Christmas.