Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Taking off.

Always traveling, never arriving.

I've been asked the same question many times. "Are you not going to work?"  And I keep using the same answer to satisfy them. "I will. Not yet, that's all." I wonder how they can constantly do it; using the present for the future. Work now to get more money later. Ace in exams to get a better job. Buy a house to prepare for a family life. They are always moving forward. But is this what life really is? The constant motion to feel like we're living a life? That if we stop for a moment, it is time wasted to make our lives better? 

I've been living a stagnant life, if that's what they call it nowadays. Not working, not having anything to do. Just lazing around the house, catching up on my reading, listening to music I have not listened to, watching movies I have been wanting to watch. Mostly, I stay at home to just recuperate from the years of having my energy and soul drained out by the education system. 13 years of memorize-regurgitate-repeat work. Frankly, it has been really traumatising for me to realise that I have been living the kind of life that I have been detesting. Stuck in motion without knowing the purpose. You just do it because you have to. I studied because I had to. No reasons. Full stop. 

Sometimes, I would just walk around a shopping mall alone to observe people around me. Forever moving from one end to another. Having things to do. Need to get a pair of shoes. Remember to get a packet of vegetables. A box of chocolate for a friend. A bottle of wine for that dinner. Always having something in their minds. Moving around mechanically. Humanoid robots.

Constant movement to no where. Always traveling, never arriving. 

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