Wednesday, March 7, 2012


So yeah, remember this? Yeeahhh, about that.

I win.
Glorious day, today. But no one should try it. Last minute studying, I mean. Of course, it is possible but you can die doing this. I almost did, to be honest. Those sleepless nights, sudden panic attacks, constant urges to vomit, frequent bickering with yourself (WHY DID YOU PUT YOURSELF IN THIS SHIT GUHHH). It is hard work, people. Don't ever put yourself in that situation if you have a choice.

My juniors asked me what was my secret to obtaining those pretty little alphabets and I told them the truth. "Last minute studying." Oh, the look on their faces. I knew I should've given those conventional answers. But look, I'm not a role model, people. No one should follow my footsteps. I'm lazy. I don't finish my homework. I verbally punch teachers. I get myself into too much trouble in school. I'm a good example of a bad student. So, yes. Study smart like how everyone says you should. Listen to your teachers. Don't take advices from me.

Since I was twelve, I've been lucky when it comes to major exams. And I hope this streak of luck continues. Because I am going to still need it.

But, yes. Halle-fucking-lujah, everyone!

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