In that 20.5 hours, I (in order) :-
a) studied all about the social hierarchy in Japan, China, and Thailand in addition to things along the same line,
b) remembered how much I missed drinking Neslo (and regretting it later because coffee makes me really hungry),
c) crapped in my pants when technology decided to scare me with my own imagination,
d) asked begged my younger brother to stay awake with me while I continue studying,
e) became an inferior to the computer when my younger bro and dad were more worried about the state of the computer rather than my mental and emotional state after telling them about the Incident,
f) vomited when I consumed Milo because I had too much air in my empty stomach (coffee made me hungry and I forgot to eat because I was scared shitless after the Incident),
g) almost experienced another panic attack in school after knowing that I am suffering from a students' block,
h) regained my composure and restudied everything like a fucking boss,
g) wrote four 500+ word essays in three hours without stopping,
h) finally transformed into the living dead after the paper,
i) almost walked into a pillar after school,
j) almost fell backwards from the bench I was sitting on while waiting for my dad to pick me up,
k) finally had my first mouth of solid food after so many hours,
l) needed my dad to hold my hand when crossing the road,
m) mechanically took my bath because I woke up wondering if I did take my bath and;
n) died and resurrected after hours of sleep.
After experiencing 20+ hours without sleep, I finally realised that :-
a) 14 hours without sleep is my limit,
b) writing an essay in a zombie-like state doesn't tire my hands out,
c) my speech slurs if I am a zombie,
d) information is processed 10 seconds slower, resulting in a very delayed reaction and;
e) I kick so much ass when I'm a zombie. BRING ON THE ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE YEAHHH
In conclusion:-
I am never going to do this again.
*standing ovation!
I would have just stopped halfway if I were you. Kudos to your unyielding perseverance!
Btw, zombie Apocalypses give me the hebejebes! D: I'll be the first to die. Fo' sho.
Sorry, I don't know why I deleted the last comment. I clicked without reading. Haha
*bows* Thank you, thank you.
I almost gave up (as seen when I started talking at your face in school that morning) but it has hard to give up. Like, it'd make me feel really shitty if I did.
I have learned the tactics of surviving a zombie apocalypse by watching Zombieland. Love that movie. :D Imagine shooting the people you dislike so much and not feeling any guilt because it's justified as defense. Ngehehe.
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